The last weeks have been super busy with endless logistical problems that need to be resolved and arrangements that need to be made. Almost all of our equipment and gear has shown up in Portland and tomorrow I am packing and shipping the first kayak from PDX to LAX, where it will be picked up by Kyle en route to New Britain. It's finally setting in that this thing is actually happening!
This week I am sending out last minute proposals for equipment we still need and getting all of my personal gear organized. You take for granted all of the things you use on a daily basis when you plan to be self sufficient on the level necessary for this trip. The pile of meds alone is a bit impressive.
The final mission before taking off is Outdoor Retailer in SLC this coming weekend. The huge industry tradeshow is the site of yearly sponsorship meetings, pitches, schmoozing, picking up last minute supplies for the trip and partying with old friends. Maybe a little personal marketing in the employment department as well...
Check out this site with interesting PNG facts and info: http://www.bugbog.com/gallery/gallerypng/pngdoor.html
I've been savoring the last summer days in Hood River. This town is super cool and a prime location for those inclined to shred - whether it be on a board, bike or kayak; powered by wind or gravity. The last few days have been long and filled with great kayaking and downhill biking with plenty of partying at night to leave you exhausted at all times!
Hey have fun at OR and watch out for those cars...!! Sounds like life is anything but boring for you - is it ever for you though! We got into Prague today and we're here for 3 days...looking forward to lots of partying and Czech beer. Good luck with the rest of the preparation for your trip!
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